Fri, 05/27/2016 - 1:45pm


On Wednesday, June 1st Cradlerock Elementary School will be participating in Field Day.  If it is raining, our rain date will be Friday, June 10th.  This is a day long event in which the students will be engaged in physical activity for the majority of the time.  To make the day more successful for your child, we ask that they dress appropriately for the weather and activity.  Proper footwear (sneakers) is a must.  We also recommend the kids wear shorts if the temperature permits. Students are asked to wear a t-shirt that represents their grade level color (please refer to the list below).  We are also asking your child to bring in their own water bottle, labeled with their name.  We also strongly suggest they bring a bag lunch with a drink, it would ease congestion in the cafeteria since all students will eat lunch at the same time.

Lastly, we are inviting parents to come in and join the fun.  If you wish to volunteer, please email me at or fill out the slip below and send it in with your student.  We need help from 8:45 until 2:00, but if you can only help for part of the day please indicate the times you will be available in your email.

Please Dress Your Child in this T-Shirt Color on Field Day:
Pre K – Orange        3rd – Green
K – Yellow            4th - Red
1st – Blue            5th - Gray
2nd – Purple


Scott DelPo
Riley Fritts
Physical Education

Yes, ________________________________ would love to help at Field Day this year.
                  Your Name

I am the parent of ________________________ in _______________________ class.
                Child’s Name            Child’s Teacher
I am available for the whole day, or
I am only available from __________________ to ___________________

___________________________ is my email address to contact me.