Farrelle Adotevi will compete in the County Spelling bee on March 17, 7 pm at Reservoir HS . Isabel and Devjot will also attend the County Spelling Bee and be recognized for their achievement. Our Bumble Bee winners and runners-up are invited to the County Spelling Bee where they will be congratulated. Cradlerock spellers ROCK!
1st grade Bumble Bee
Winner : Leah-Sani Byrd
Runner-up: Marcus Brandon
2nd grade Bumble Bee
Winner: Yarden Adotevi
Runner-up : Erick Lam
3rd grade Bumble Bee
Winner: Abigail Butler
Runner-up : Nico Salvia
4th and 5th grade Spelling Bee
Winner: Farrelle Adotevi
Runners-up : Isabel Centers
Devjot Kaur