5:30-6:00: Gifted and Talented Overview
- GT Google Meet code: CRES-BTSN-GT
6:00-6:30: 3rd to 5th Grade Level presentations
- 3rd Grade: Google Meet code: CRES-BTSN-3rd
- 4th Grade: Google Meet Code: CRES-BTSN-4th
- 5th Grade: Google Meet Code: CRES-BTSN-5th
6:30-6:45: Individual Homeroom Classroom Virtual visits
- Use individual classroom codes for Virtual visits
6:45-7:15: Administration Question and Answer Time
- Google Meet Code: CRES-BTSN-Admin
7:15-7:45: Administration Question and Answer Time w/Translation:
- Room 1: Spanish Google Meet Code: CRES-BTSN-Room1
- Room 2: Amharic Google Meet Code: CRES-BTSN-Room2
Thank you for all those who attended our PreK to 2nd BTSN on Tuesday.