September 7th:
Welcome Back and let’s get this school year started!
School begins on Tuesday, September 8th. All students in Grades K-5 should be ready to log into their first classroom session at 9am. All PreK students should be ready to log into their first classroom session on September 10th at 9am. Please make sure your child does not log into their session before 8:55am. This will help us keep the sessions secure and safe for your child.
We know that navigating these systems can be challenging. Please find information below regarding technology support for fall virtual instruction that includes both self-help resources and how to request technology support.
Account Information
Password and Username Self-Service: Allows families to request a password reset or student’s username. New students can use this application to retrieve their account information. This application is also linked off the website, which also includes user directions.
Canvas Information
How to Navigate
Canvas Orientation video will help you navigate Canvas with your child.
This site will help you navigate as a parent.
How to Access Canvas Announcements
This information sheet will explain the process of setting notifications so you never miss an announcement from the teacher.
Chromebook Information
This site provides a variety of resources for using an HCPSS Chromebook.
Directions to View your Child’s Homeroom Teacher
Sign into HCPSS Connect Parent Portal.
Click “Class Schedule” on the left hand panel.
If you have more than one child, click on his/her picture at the top of the screen and repeat these steps.
Directions on How to Access a Google Meet
Log into
Click “Google Meet.”
Enter the session code name.
Google Meet Information
This informational site includes a video overview of how to login into Google Meet, as well as translation support.
HCPSS Connect Resources
HCPSS Connect Guides will give you information related to Synergy, Canvas, and Family File.
If you need additional support feel free to contact our front office at 410-313-7610. You can contact our technology teacher Annette Hart at or our media specialist Jula Harris at Throughout the next few weeks we will also be hosting drop in parent sessions to answer questions, be on the lookout for these dates and times.
Enjoy this beautiful final day of summer!
Jonathan Davis, Principal