We look forward to seeing you at our Back to School Nights  The format for our Back to School Nights will be the same as previous years. Childcare will be provided by Recreation and Parks for children ages 4 - 10 only ( no middle school age children). If you plan to use childcare, you must arrive by 6:15 pm to sign in in the gym. Administrators and others will share important information with you through a short video. All parents/guardians are to report directly to their child’s homeroom class. We will start promptly at 6:30 pm. If you have children in multiple grades on the same Back to School night, two sessions will be held. There will also be an information fair in the cafeteria. Please see details below:

Back to School Nights

September 1 (preK-2) - 6:30 pm

September 2 (gr. 3-5) - 6:30 pm

Back To School Night Schedule

6:30 - 7:20 pm - Session 1

7:25- 7:50 pm - Session 2

7:25 - 8:15 pm - Information Fair in the Cafeteria

Gifted & Talented Program Overview - September 2 - 6:00 pm

ALL families in ALL grades are welcome to attend this overview of

our GT program. It will be held in the media center from 6:00-6:30

pm( prior to the Back to School Night for grades 3-5)