October 10 - PTA Read-a-Thon Fundraiser Begins
October 19 - Professional Work Day - Schools Closed for Students
October 23 - PTA Restaurant Night at The Greene Turtle
October 24 - School Picture Day
October 24 - ROCK Mobile @ 5:30pm
October 26 - PTA Read-a-Thon Ends
October 26 - PTA Trunk or Treat @ 6:30pm
October 29 - Bridges After School Program Begins
October 31 - Halloween Parade or Harvest Party
November 5 - End of First Marking Period
November 6 - General Election Day - Schools and Offices Closed
November 7 - Professional Work Day - Schools Closed for Students
November 8 - Boys’ Night Out @ 6:00pm
Students’ safety during arrival and dismissal is a priority. Please be mindful of our arrival and dismissal procedures. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work together to follow these procedures to keep our students safe. Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
October 24 is school picture day. Paper forms will come home with students on Tuesday, October 23. You can also go online to pre-order portraits at Use pre-order code Q4WYEF83.
Students will participate in the Cradlerock Halloween Parade OR Harvest Party on Wednesday, October 31 at 1:45. More detailed information will be coming home soon from your child’s teacher and in Friday folders.
Information regarding our celebrations on October 31st:
Students may not wear their costumes to school; please send costumes in a bag marked with your child's name. ALL costumes must be able to fit over clothes. Costumes may not be of a gory Halloween nature (ghosts, blood & guts, masks, skeletons, makeup, etc.) Halloween costumes may not include replicas of weapons and face masks are not permitted for safety reasons.
Parents are welcome to join us for the parade. Please proceed directly to the blacktop without entering the school building.
Halloween classroom parties will be held directly after the parade. If you plan to attend the party with your child, you must sign in to the main office first. Because of limited space in classrooms, we ask that you arrange this visit in advance with your child’s teacher.
A letter with detailed information will be sent home with students next week.
An alternative activity, Harvest Party, will be held for children who do not wish to participate in the parade. Please complete the form on the bottom of the letter coming home and return as soon as possible if you do NOT want your child to participate in the Halloween parade.
We're looking forward to safe and enjoyable celebrations at CRES on October 31st!
Read-a-thon October 10th - 26th
We want every student to enjoy s'more reading and earn prizes. Students can participate by logging their reading each day and having a parent sign it. Log in sheets are attached and will also be sent home with your child. They can also raise funds for the PTA by signing up here: and sending their personal fundraising link to friends, family, and neighbors who can donate a flat fee or sponsor per minute read. See the attached directions for more information.
Restaurant Night at The Greene Turtle
Come out for food, fun, and fundraising at The Greene Turtle on Tuesday, October 23. 20% of sales will be donated to Cradlerock Elementary.
Trunk or Treat October 27th 6:30-8:00
Come and trick or treat at the school parking lot. There will be decorated cars and families handing out candies and treats. If you'd like to decorate a trunk - there is still space. Just email to sign up. If you'd like to help out at the event - you can also email the PTA.
Our Family Reading Adventure at Camp Cradlerock was a huge success! It was one of our best turnouts for a Title I event and a wonderful collaboration with our PTA. We want to express our deepest appreciation for all the staff and PTA support that made the night happen. The children were engaged and immersed in language! From sing-a-longs to Kahoot to tent writing, students were able to share their creativity with friends and family. The night ended with everyone reading under the “stars” at our Cradlerock Campsite… and what’s a campout with S’Mores!
We are looking forward to seeing you at some of our upcoming events!
Parents “ROCK” Workshop Series (Raising Outstanding Caring Kids)
We are partnering with the Family Institute for a 4 session workshop focusing on Discipline & Communication and Friendship Skills ending with a Coffee and Conversation in February about how to get the most out of Parent / teacher conferences.
Sessions dates can be found below and on the Cradlerock Calendar located on our website.
Session 1: November 14th (6:00 -7:00pm) - Discipline and Communication 1
Session 2: November 28th (6:00 - 7:00pm) - Discipline and Communication 2
Session 3: January 15th (6:00 - 7:00pm) - Friendship Skills for School and Life Success
Session 4: February 12th (6:00 - 7:00pm) - Coffee and Conversation
The Howard County Library East Columbia Branch will be giving away FREE afternoon snacks after school each day until June.