CRES Final Prep and Tech Support on Tuesday, Sept. 8th

Good Afternoon!  

Hopefully by now you know your child's Homeroom and Math Teacher, have your child's Chromebook charged and working space established.  Face to Face google meets start at 9:00 am, please log on no earlier than 8:55. 

  • Kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grade students will start with their Math Teacher
  • 1st, 3rd, and 5th will start with their ELA classes 

Use the code or link found on your child's canvas calendar.  Students must by logged into their HCPSS account to access a Google Meet.  

Our amazing CRES teachers can't wait to get started, a little nervous, as I am that things will go smoothly, but eager for sure!  Thank you for helping prepare your child(ren) to start school!  You ROCK!  

Just think... no busy car loop in the morning, just a smooth walk from the bathroom to the kitchen or learning space.  Don't forget to take that 1st day picture.  We are going to have a great year!  


First Day Tech Support 8:15 to 10:15 on Tuesday, September 8th

If you have questions or difficulty loggin on, feel free to join us during our Tech Support Hours.  

Use the following Google Code or call in to get your questions answered:  

Sleep well and we look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning!