Free and Reduced Meals Application Renewal

Hello Cradlerock Families!


It’s time to submit/renew your Free And Reduced Meals (FARMs) application for the 2020-2021 school year!  Even if you were accepted for FARMs support last year, you must reapply for the new school year to renew your benefits.  The deadline for applications is October 16th!  You may apply online HERE!

FARMs Families are provided several benefits beyond receiving meals at reduced rates. Some of the additional benefits include: 

  • Reduced tuition for several HCPSS programs
  • Eligibility for the Columbia Association Points (CA Points) Program.  These benefits carry throughout the entire school year and beyond! 
  • Access to the Judy Center and the HCPSS Pre-K Program
  • Access to childcare subsidy
  • Access to Bridges to Housing Stability
  • Free registration for high school standardized testing, such as the ACT, SAT, SAT I, and AP exams
  • Discounted Internet through Comcast Internet Essentials Program
  • Access to Community Action Council’s Housing and Energy Assistance Programs
  • Reduced Recreation and Parks Program Fees
  • Reduced YMCA fees

Our school is dependent on the federal funding received from the number of students enrolled in this program.  Students do not receive different lunches from students paying full-price.  The FARMs list is completely confidential, and if accepted into the program, the student is not identified to either staff or students as a student receiving FARMs benefits.  PLEASE apply, even if you are not sure that you qualify.

For the full explanation of what FARMs can do for you and to access the application, please visit the following link:

Thank you and have a great day!