Rockin’ Summer Reading
Summer is an important time for students to keep reading and improve their language skills. Here are some ways to keep your child “hooked on books” over the summer :
Ms. Hart’s Technology page has websites by grade level:
Students will have access to Mackinvia over the summer. Students can “check out” books to read online. Sign in by finding Cradlerock Elementary in the drop down menu:
Use the HCPSS ELA Parent Support page to find resources including recommended apps to support summer reading.
Students will have access to the free e-tools Tumblebooks and PebbleGo over the summer. Find the links on Ms. Hart’s Technology page:
username: cradlerock
password: school
username: hclibrarymd
password: hcschools
Register your child(ren) for the Howard County Library System’s summer reading club, On Your Mark, Get Set, READ ! Visit any Howard County Library to register. For more details copy the website into your browser:
The Howard County Library System is also sponsoring a bookmark contest through July 16th. Have your child show his/her love of reading and book by entering the contest. More details and an entry form is available at any library branch. You may also copy the website into your browser:
A recommended booklist developed by Howard County Public School Library Media Specialists and the Howard County Library Children’s Instruction and Research Staff is available by copying the website into your browser:
Each summer Barnes and Noble bookstores give young readers an opportunity to earn a FREE book by reading three books and completing a journal about the books they have read. Download a journal by copying the following website into your browser:
Happy Reading!