Note From the Principal:
Good Morning Cradlerock!
Thank you ALL for your hard work to monitor, follow-up and understand the expectations the county has created as part of this Distance Learning plan. We truly understand that there are a lot of moving parts to follow and that our elementary kids need parent support and guidance. The release dates and times are created by the county and we understand that these at times do not fit within your families schedule. Please feel free to be flexible, adjust the date you have your children work on certain assignments and know that not all work needs to be completed by the end of the week. Stretch it out if needed. Hopefully some of the information below will help clarify the expectations.
Weekly Virtual Check-in Adjustments:
Starting next week, the county has made changes to the Virtual Check-Ins. In an effort to have multiple student/teacher interactions within the remaining weeks of school, students will be able to participate in two virtual check-ins each week. The morning Check-ins will now be ELA (English Language Arts) and the afternoon Check-ins will be for Math. We will no longer be following an A/B week schedule. In addition, each Check-in will be 30 minutes. Your child’s homeroom teacher will send a reminder email today listing the date and times of the ELA check-ins. Visit your child’s math teacher Canvas page to verify their afternoon times.
- Morning Check-ins: English Language Arts
- Afternoon Check-ins: Math
Attendance Reminders:
Students are marked PRESENT for the week if they engage in at least one of the following activities each week:
- Participates in a Google Meet Virtual Check-in with their teacher (either ELA/Math)
- Engages in Dreambox
- Engages in LexiaCore5
Clearly this is a very flexible requirement, so we would expect all students to be present.
4th Quarter Grading Reminders:
All grades are PASS or INCOMPLETE this quarter. To earn a PASSING Grade, a student must complete 50% of the activities throughout this Distance Learning Window. Clearly we would like students to complete all of the assigned work each week, but understand that this may be difficult which is why there is flexibility built into the grading. Our goal is that ALL students can earn a PASSING grade by completing at least 50% of the work. (below is what at least 50% means during this distance learning time)
Grading Based on Time Requirements:
- Dreambox (engage for at least 263 minutes or 37 minutes a week)
- LexiaCore (engage for at least 263 minutes or 37 minutes a week)
Grading Based on Pressing the Complete Button
- Social Studies (complete at least three weeks of activities)
- Science (complete at least three weeks of activities)
- Related Arts (complete at least two weeks of activities in EACH class)
Thank you!
Jonathan Davis, Principal
Mark Your Calendar:
- 11/18 through 11/22 –American Education Week and CRES Book Fair Opens
- 11/18: Council of Elders Celebration at Long Reach High School 7:00 pm
- 11/19: PTA Meeting at 7:00 pm
- 11/20: Primary Math Night 5:30 pm
- 11/21: Turkey Trot during Grade Level Related Arts classes
- 11/25: Schools Closes 3 Hours Early for Parent Teacher Conferences
- 11/25: CommUNITY Dinner 4:00 to 6:00 in Cafeteria
- 11/26: Schools Closes 3 Hours Early for Parent Teacher Conferences
- 11/27: School Closed for Parent Teacher Conferences
- 11/28 and 11/29: School/Offices Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
Tune into Tune in Tuesday by accessing the link below for some Reading fun!
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