Welcome Letter 2018-2019

Cradlerock Families,

Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year!  We hope you are enjoying your last few days of summer break and are ready to ROCK this coming school year.  After a quiet summer at Cradlerock, we cannot wait to open our doors to our students on Tuesday, September 4th.  

We are thrilled to welcome Ashleigh Townsend to our administrative team as Leadership Intern.  Ms. Townsend looks forward to collaborating with our Cradlerock staff, students, and families to build a caring community that brings positive opportunities and rich learning experiences for this school year.  We are also excited to welcome many new staff members to our Cradlerock family.  Please click HERE to view our staff roster for the 2018-2019 school year.  Your child will receive a postcard in the mail from his/her teacher prior to our Open House on August 31st.

We look forward to an exciting year of growth and learning in all of our Cradlerock scholars.  At Cradlerock, we are committed to providing your child with a quality education and school experience.  We ask our students and staff to ROCK.  For our students, ROCK stands for Respectful, On-task, Cooperative, and Kind.  For our staff, ROCK stands for Relationships, Outstanding Instruction, Collaboration, and Knowledge. 

Please read through this newsletter carefully as it communicates important information to help you and your child prepare for the return to school.  Parents, you have homework!  Set your child(ren) up for success by completing these five tasks.  Detailed information below.   

1.    Mark your Calendars
2.    Update your Family File
3.    Get Your Supplies
4.    Complete and Return Arrival and Dismissal Information
5.    Sign up with Giant Rewards

As an administrative team, we are committed to serving our students and families and partnering with parents to meet children’s needs.  Please don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email with any questions or concerns you may have throughout the year.  We look forward to a ROCKin’ school year!

Jennifer Zinn, Principal
Brad Scobie, Assistant Principal
Ashleigh Townsend, Leadership Intern

Important Dates

Please click HERE to access our Cradlerock Elementary School website calendar.  You may also choose to subscribe.

Wednesday, August 22 @ 11:15am – United Way Backpack Giveaway to First 100 Students
Thursday, August 23 @ 6:00pm – Kindergarten Popsicles on the Playground
Friday, August 31 @ 10:30am – Kindergarten Orientation
Friday, August 31 @12:00pm – New Student Orientation (Grades 1-5)
Friday, August 31 @1:15pm – Open House PreK-Grade 5
Monday, September 3 – Labor Day – Schools and Offices Closed
Tuesday, September 4 – First Day of School for Students Grades K-5
Thursday, September 6 – First Day of School for PreK and RECC
Thursday, September 6 @ 5:30pm – PTA Back-to-School Picnic
Monday, September 10 – Schools and Offices Closed
Wednesday, September 19 – Schools and Offices Closed
Tuesday, September 25 @ 6:00pm – GT Overview for Primary Grades
Tuesday, September 25 @ 6:30 – Back-to-School Night Grades PreK-2
Wednesday, September 26 @ 6:00pm – GT Overview for Intermediate Grades
Wednesday, September 26 @ 6:30 – Back-to-School Night Grades 3-5

Update Your Family File

This is the most important step as you prepare for the start of the 2018-2019 school year. Your Family File needs to be updated every school year.  Please take a few minutes to visit http://www.hcpss.org/news-posts/2018/08/family-file-2018-2019/ to update your Family File information.  HCPSS uses Family File for parents/guardians to complete emergency information. Parents/guardians must verify and/or update information for each child, and can do so by logging in to HCPSS Connect and selecting the Family File tab and then clicking on Family File. Once logged in, parents/guardians will be asked to provide or update the following information:
* Student information * Parent/guardian contact * Emergency contacts * Medical information * Arrival/dismissal procedures * Media release (photo approval) * Data confidentiality * PTA/PTSA directory


Get Your School Supplies

Refer to the 2018-2019 CRES School Supplies List to shop for your supplies.  United Way will be giving out FREE backpacks and supplies to the first 100 Cradlerock students on Wednesday, August 22 from 11:15-12:30.  


Arrival and Dismissal Information

It is imperative that we have information regarding your child’s arrival and dismissal information on or before the first day of school.  Please be on the lookout for a form being mailed to your home address.  We ask that you complete the form and deliver it to your child’s teacher at Open House on August 31st at 1:15pm or send it with your child on the first day of school.  You may also access the form HERE.


Giant A+ School Rewards Program

This is our primary school fundraiser and it only requires you to sign up!  Thank you to our families who have already helped us to earn over $4,000 last year.  If you are new to our community or have not signed up, please consider supporting our school by registering your Giant Card with Cradlerock Elementary.  Encourage your friends and family members to do the same!  More information can be found HERE.  The money received from this program are used to fund programs for students, buy instructional materials and technology, and support staff appreciation initiatives.